explore your wild flow​
a delicious 3-day retreat immersion
into ocean & jungle
on big island, hawai'i
cosmos, yoga, pranayama & sound ...
to explore your own wild flow
for everyone ... all levels !
Diving .... into
Sky, Sea, Sound, Soul, Source
revealing our relationship with the Universe as
elemental, multidimensional, vibrational beings.​
Allow COSMOS and other divinatory messages to awaken our psyche, inspiration & intuition.
Experience freestyle FLOW YOGA ... simple, rhythmic and fluid,
trusting the deep, primordial intelligence & rhythm of our BODIES.
Follow the Way of Water & wise HONU,
the ancient turtle guides who live here.
Learn to dive deep and GLIDE gracefully through the waters of life.
Explore PRANAYAMA-respiration, liberating and channeling PRANA,
the internal vital life-force of the body,
breathing & creating space inside & out.
Dive into SOUND ... a true call of the WILD ... a call to Source...
through music, guided meditation, elemental soundscapes,
and sound baths of the alchemical crystal bowls.
Yes, everything is VIBRATION & FLOW ... ourselves, our entire world.
So JOIN US for this exceptional immersion into the energy & serenity
of Big Island, Hawai'i,
teeming with the powerful MANA of ocean, lava & jungle,
for recalibration and integration of body, mind, heart & soul.